Hey! Long time no see. About two weeks had pasted since I came to ALABAMA. Many things happened for me. There were a lot of meetings. I could make friends with international friends. But I don't have American friends because now they are taking thier vacation. Soit is difficult to meet them. Actually I don't have a roommate. I live alone in the room for 4 people. But there is no kitchen, so I can't cook. I bought a small stove to solve this problem. I have already got a pan so I can cook now. But in fact, there are a little food in my fridge. I wanna make a dinner, for example, pasta, yakisoba, yakimeshi and so on. My friend has a rice cooker. It means I can eat rice!! I have already went off the bread. I am going to ask my mother to send Japanese foods a lot.
I am taking three classes, Listening/Speaking4, Reading/Writing3 and Structure4. I have to take more than "B" at all classes. It is rule of Kansaigaidai. Though I don't wanna consider grade, if I fail, I have to go back Japan. I need to study very hard. But I like party, so on weekend I join a party. On weekend, in America, there are a lot of party. If you don't join, you will be so bored. There are differences between America and Japan. They drink only beer. There is no cocktail. I couldn't believe. And also they don't eat anything, only potato chips.
Actually I wanna go to the Bar. I am 20 years old, but I will be enter the bar. I wanna dance now. I hope my friend who belonges to dance club teach me.
I am having a interest on Korea. In ELI, there is some Korean. And my friends and I often hang out. When we chatted with them, I learned about their strict culture. Perhaps I won't be able to take French class at UA so I wanna take Korean class.
My life in America has started. I should do my best. I swear I improve my English skills.

We had dinner for the first time in America. It was just sandwhich.

This is a studiam. In there, we can watch the mach of foot ball.

With Noriko and Ai. They are my good seniors.

With Khalid and Mahrged and Darhel.

I found soy sause of KIKKOMAN!!

This is Saudi Alabia's dish.

This is first party. With some of ELI students.