Friday, March 10, 2006

For Studying Abroad

To receive VISA from the travel agency, I went to Umeda with Karei. I am still a stranger at Umeda. As I expected I got lost. I couldn't arrive at the place by myself which Karei piked up to meet. Ahaha...

At first we went to the office building to visit the travel agency. When I entered it, I felt I was not suitable.., because there were some kinds of brand shop, COACH, GUCCI etc. Anyway we visited the agency and got the VISA.

After that, we went to Yodobashi Camera to look over audio machine and PC. We want to prepare them before we go to America. But we went to the area of cafe though we didn't have a reason especially. There, we didn't decide soon which shop we would go, finally, we found the crape shop. It was very delicious. We stayed at the shop and talked about ourselves. I heard about her trip of Nagasaki. She showed me a lot of pictures which she took at Nagasaki. Some of them were rare, because she wore old noble dress. It suited her well.

In Yodobashi Camera, there were a lot of new model of PC. We didn't find what was good. Anyway we took back some brochures.

At evening, Sachiyo and I bought the birthday present for our friend. We will make a plan for party. We hope she will be suprised and glad.

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