Thursday, September 06, 2007

my life plan!!

UNIQLO autumn winter 2007 fashion show!!!

My friend got a ticket for it. it was for the first time for me to see the fashion show.
I need to wear UNIQLO clothes when I work there, so it was good reference for me. How cool these were worn by cool models!!

anyway we enjoyed the show. and after that we went around at Tokyo Mid Town. She used to live there so she knew well.

The things that I thought aftern I saw the fashion show is that I would like to work at the advertisement department. To tell the UNIQLO's brand for people, I make various plans or something like that. and someday I hope, I wanna do it all over the world.
In fact, in the world, people doesn't know UNIQLO well.
UNIQLO will be a global company. Now that I can say is that I will think about another way if I can't do whatever I want in three years. maybe I will think about movie company. That is my plan.

of course, it will be changed cuz I don't know anything now, just I'm thinkng in my hart.

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