Friday, May 02, 2008

I got a pack from my mom yesterday.

a few days ago, I just said on the phone " the cost of food is a little bit high than I expexted." and hen she gave me some food, like easy rice, some can staff and so on.


but I like cooking. When I have time, I wanna cook. I didn't do before at all, so now I wanna challenge!

of course, I can't cook very well, but I think it is not bad:P

so I like shopping in a supermarket with thinking whta I will make tonight!! lol

well, anyway, yesterday I couldn't stop crying.
she gave me letter and money with packing.

I was suprised cuz I haven't got a letter from my mom seriously.

the thing people can't do anything by themselves
1, Being born without any handicap
2, Being born which parents we have, whch means we have family.
3, Living whitout serious disease and big accident

yes, I am a happy person. Because I have these. Trivial happiness in normal life.
The happiest person is who can find them and can feel happy sencerely, I think.

yesterday everything in work wasn't going well. I noticed that I was really trying to keep back crying with working.

I cryed when I read a message from my mom but after that I could make smile.

today is my off, i will take refresh and from tomorrow I will do my best again!!

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