Friday, May 26, 2006


On Tuesday I played softball with my friends who are ELI students. Since I came to America, I have tried to play some kinds of sports. Actually, I like playing sports. But I am a beginer completely about softball. All of my friends were good players. I joined the team but I didn't play well. But they treated me very kindly. I was happy and I could enjoy. I met Kailen(I'm sorry I don't know the spell). He is a son of Daniel. He is so cute. I have met him before but I supposed he forgot me. Fortunatly, on that day, he called my name. During game, while I was waiting my batting turn, I played with him.

After I spent time with ELI students or Americans, I regretted that I didn't speak in English aggressively. I often affected to understand what they said in English. If I understand what they said, I have to ask again, I know. I should change my attitude.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

First Article of My New Life

Hey! Long time no see. About two weeks had pasted since I came to ALABAMA. Many things happened for me. There were a lot of meetings. I could make friends with international friends. But I don't have American friends because now they are taking thier vacation. Soit is difficult to meet them. Actually I don't have a roommate. I live alone in the room for 4 people. But there is no kitchen, so I can't cook. I bought a small stove to solve this problem. I have already got a pan so I can cook now. But in fact, there are a little food in my fridge. I wanna make a dinner, for example, pasta, yakisoba, yakimeshi and so on. My friend has a rice cooker. It means I can eat rice!! I have already went off the bread. I am going to ask my mother to send Japanese foods a lot.

I am taking three classes, Listening/Speaking4, Reading/Writing3 and Structure4. I have to take more than "B" at all classes. It is rule of Kansaigaidai. Though I don't wanna consider grade, if I fail, I have to go back Japan. I need to study very hard. But I like party, so on weekend I join a party. On weekend, in America, there are a lot of party. If you don't join, you will be so bored. There are differences between America and Japan. They drink only beer. There is no cocktail. I couldn't believe. And also they don't eat anything, only potato chips.

Actually I wanna go to the Bar. I am 20 years old, but I will be enter the bar. I wanna dance now. I hope my friend who belonges to dance club teach me.

I am having a interest on Korea. In ELI, there is some Korean. And my friends and I often hang out. When we chatted with them, I learned about their strict culture. Perhaps I won't be able to take French class at UA so I wanna take Korean class.

My life in America has started. I should do my best. I swear I improve my English skills.

We had dinner for the first time in America. It was just sandwhich.

This is a studiam. In there, we can watch the mach of foot ball.

With Noriko and Ai. They are my good seniors.

With Khalid and Mahrged and Darhel.

I found soy sause of KIKKOMAN!!

This is Saudi Alabia's dish.

This is first party. With some of ELI students.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Last day

I'll go to America tomorrow!! My life in America will start from tomorrow!! I can't image I am in America. Everything is the first time for me. I've never been to abroad, taken an airplane, living without my family and visited to Kansai Airport. Now I'm so excited. Studying abroad is one of my dream. Now my dream is coming true. I want to change myself in this studying abroad. I believe I can find my new possibility. During staying America, I will had a good time and bad time. Probably, I will feel depressed about my low English skill. But I want to round out my abilities. And I'll be happy when my teacher or friends admit my efforts. Moreover, I want to feel directly the difference of culture or custom. I may not be able to accept it but it will be my knowledge. I'm looking forward to meeting various foreign people!! I hope there will be a lot of wonderful meeting.

To come true this studying abroad, my parerents, family cooperated with me in economy. Of course, I saved my money for this event, but without my parents' help, I couldn't go to America. Also, My friends cheered me up very much. I really miss them now even now. Definetely, I also miss them in America. They gave me a letter an album or something. They are my treasures.

I have a small regret. But it is not so big problem. When I come back, if there is no change about this matter, I will take an action!!

When I write blog next, I will be America. So exciting!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Friendship is so precious.

Yesterday, I met high school's friends, Chiho, Yoko, Miyuki, Yasuka. When we were high school students, we always spent our time together. We always laughed!!

I can diburden in front of them. It means I don't need to be attentive.

They made a plan to meet me before I go to America. We went to the restaurant near our house. We stayed there for about 4 hours. We just talked a lot. But everything was funny. There were a lot of laughing. We couldn't stop talking once we started talking.

Going restaurant and talking is normal patern for us. I think it is so good, because I have never been tired of. Maybe they also have.

But yesterday was not the same as usual. They gave me a wonderful present. Of course, I was so suprised. At first, I couldn't understand what it was. But soon I could!! It was an album. When I turned over the first page, I would see Johnny Depp!! I like him so much. They knew I am a big fun of him. On the next page, I could see the pictures of coming of age day!! It seemed that they picked up the best shot. On another page, I could see the photographs of school trip in high school. We looked so young!! On the last page, there were letters from them. I couldn't read them in front of them because I was about to cring. Anyway, I was very very very happy!!

They spent a lot of time to make this album, I think. During staying America, when I feel loneliness, I will get vitality from it!! Thanks a lot. They are my best friend forever!!